Building Your 3-Year FP&A Strategy | Glenn Snyder

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This is a podcast episode titled, Building Your 3-Year FP&A Strategy | Glenn Snyder. The summary for this episode is: <p>One of the most important aspects of leading a team is knowing where you are and where you’re going. A strong leader will ensure the team and its partners are aligned in achieving key strategic goals. Join Glenn Snyder, Vice President - industry expert, as he presents a new approach to FP&amp;A planning and provides examples of 3-year strategy decks which outline the team’s status, a long-term outlook, and a roadmap for how to get there. This session is particularly geared towards FP&amp;A leaders, CFOs, and anyone interested in leading an FP&amp;A organization.</p>
Understanding where you are and where you want to go
00:42 MIN
Who should use your strategic plan?
00:58 MIN
Organize your strategy for organizational alignment
01:01 MIN
Let's get into an example of a 3 year FP&A Strategy
01:17 MIN


One of the most important aspects of leading a team is knowing where you are and where you’re going. A strong leader will ensure the team and its partners are aligned in achieving key strategic goals. Join Glenn Snyder, Vice President - industry expert, as he presents a new approach to FP&A planning and provides examples of 3-year strategy decks which outline the team’s status, a long-term outlook, and a roadmap for how to get there. This session is particularly geared towards FP&A leaders, CFOs, and anyone interested in leading an FP&A organization.

Today's Guests

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Glenn Snyder

|FP&A and Corporate Strategy Executive