How Vantage Specialty Moved from Operational Chaos to Business Clarity | Chris Tracy

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This is a podcast episode titled, How Vantage Specialty Moved from Operational Chaos to Business Clarity | Chris Tracy. The summary for this episode is: <p>Rising prices and supply chain interruptions are forcing FP&amp;A teams to scramble as they look to understand how these forces impact their business and customers. Hear Chris Tracy, Global Director of FP&amp;A, explain how Vantage Specialty Chemicals, a global natural chemistry company, deals with supply chain uncertainty and spiking raw materials costs by leveraging Planful to quickly model, forecast, and update costs for its more than 12,500 finished goods recipes. He’ll show how FP&amp;A moved from a reactive posture to a proactive stance on changing raw materials prices, enabling it to quickly adjust prices, maintain margins, and see the impact of costs across its business and for its 6,000-plus customers. Chris will also share how Planful gives its product, commercial, and procurement teams detailed insights on raw materials costs to improve decision making and strengthen customer relationships.</p>
Understand your need - Be proactive not reactive
02:19 MIN
Execution - Model Demo
01:39 MIN
The future with Planful
01:55 MIN


Rising prices and supply chain interruptions are forcing FP&A teams to scramble as they look to understand how these forces impact their business and customers. Hear Chris Tracy, Global Director of FP&A, explain how Vantage Specialty Chemicals, a global natural chemistry company, deals with supply chain uncertainty and spiking raw materials costs by leveraging Planful to quickly model, forecast, and update costs for its more than 12,500 finished goods recipes. He’ll show how FP&A moved from a reactive posture to a proactive stance on changing raw materials prices, enabling it to quickly adjust prices, maintain margins, and see the impact of costs across its business and for its 6,000-plus customers. Chris will also share how Planful gives its product, commercial, and procurement teams detailed insights on raw materials costs to improve decision making and strengthen customer relationships.

Today's Guests

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Chris Tracy

|Director of FP&A at Vantage Specialty